Homemaker's Cast Iron Care

Homemaker's Cast Iron Care


We love using cast iron in our homestead kitchen. There are many tips and tricks to successful cast iron cooking— like using antique pans that have sanded surfaces, never washing with soap, etc. But the main key to success is a well-seasoned pan. This requires proper care after each use. We have crafted a butter that keeps the homemaker’s cast iron well seasoned and ready to cook its next delicious meal. We have chosen to use fats with high smoke points—tallow and avocado oil— which is important for cast iron cooking. The small amount of beeswax helps the cast iron to retain the seasoning better, making this seasoning suitable for both cast iron that is used frequently and infrequently.

Ingredients: 100% grass-fed local beef tallow, organic avocado oil, local beeswax from organically raised bees.

To Use: Remove food from the pan and scrub with hot water (without soap) until clean. Dry the pan with a towel and heat on low to remove any and all moisture. Remove the pan from the heat and dollop in a bit of the seasoning oil. Using your fingers or a rag, rub it into the pan—top, bottom, and handle.

Frequency: After every wash once the pan is completely dry.

Packaging: 1 oz push-top tin

Not for internal use. This product may contain trace allergens due to shared equipment. Do not use if you have food allergies.

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