Plantain Homestead Salve

Plantain Homestead Salve


This rich and creamy salve is made with plantain leaves grown on our homestead that has not been sprayed for over 15 years. While often considered a weed, plantain is actually loaded with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, as well as vitamins and minerals, making it an incredibly beneficial herb. This salve is wonderful for soothing bug bites or stings, sunburn, small wounds, skin irritations such as eczema or acne, and more. Our formula allows for soft application without pressure which is great for any wounds or sensitive skin.

Ingredients: Plantain-infused organic extra-virgin olive oil, organic unrefined shea butter, local beeswax from organically raised bees

Scent: A subtle smell of beeswax

Packaging: 1 oz push top tin

Important information:

  • Not for internal use

  • Always do your own research and talk to your medical health professional before introducing any new herbs into your daily routine. Be aware of any allergies you may have and herbal interactions with medications you may take.

  • These products and statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to cure, treat, diagnose, or prevent any disease.

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