September on the Homestead: A To-Do List


This time of year, the to-do list seems never ending. Harvest season is the last little burst of energy the year has to give before it’s time to slow down and enjoy the hard work of our hands. On average, early September is still pretty hot here in the midwest, so we’ve still got a ways to go. Tomatoes are coming in full force, our fall crop of raspberries is beginning to produce, and cucumbers are still going strong. Bartlett pears are ready and apples are any day now, so after a few trips to our favorite farms, we will start canning apple and pear sauce which is absolutely my favorite autumn treat. It is also time to begin curing winter squashes and pie pumpkins for storage throughout the winter. My pumpkins were a fail this month (thanks, chipmunks) so we will be purchasing them from local farms. Late September is also when I begin to decorate for fall, and I’m really looking forward to our trip to amish country to grab some corn stalks, wreaths, pumpkins, and other decor. As you can tell, there’s A LOT to do this month so I thought it would be fun to give you a peek at what we’re going to be up to!

  1. Learn how to render lard

  2. Get a bigger freezer and stock up on meat

  3. Purchase more cabbage and start another round of sauerkraut

  4. Start a batch of fire cider

  5. Make a batch of elderberry syrup

  6. Make 4 Thieves vinegar tincture

  7. Purchase another cold frame for growing throughout the winter months

  8. Harvest, freeze, and dry herbs

  9. Continue planting successions of fall crops like spinach, lettuce, radishes, and cilantro

  10. Finish repurposing cabinet into more pantry storage

  11. Can more tomatoes

  12. Stock up on dry goods like rice, beans, flours, and oats

  13. Can applesauce

  14. Can pear sauce

  15. Can more pickles

  16. Purchase mums, pumpkins, cornstalks, and hay bales for decorating

  17. Purchase pumpkins and squash and cure for storage

  18. Plant bulbs for spring

  19. Harvest potatoes

  20. Pot up rosemary to bring inside to extend the growing season

  21. Plant garlic

  22. Deep clean and declutter the house and make it cozy

  23. Dress the scarecrow for autumn

ah, september! you are the doorway to the season that awakens my soul… but i must confess that i love you only because you are a prelude to my beloved october.
— Peggy Toney Horton

September days are golden and warm, each hour packed to the brim with a bustle of activity—harvest, preserve, craft, create. But the nights bring a brisk coolness that beckons the rest that is soon to come. This season is busy, but what a sweet relief it will be to know that the rest winter brings was hard-earned. All of this is time consuming, but joy giving. I like to think of the Proverbs 31 woman— up before the sun in the morning…lantern burning long after the sun goes down in the evening. She senses the worth of her work and is in no hurry to call it quits. What a beautiful way to spend my days! I feel blessed. What are you up to this month of September? I’d love to hear all about it :)

May your harvest season be blessed,


More To-Do lists…