My Life is Changing
This time of year always brings that nostalgic flush of change and anticipation. As the days get shorter and the nights cooler, cozy comfort foods start showing up on the menu and sweatshirts are reached for more often. This year looks different for me, as my life is changing with the weather.
One cold Sunday this past spring I got coffee with the quiet, handsome, bearded man from church and now we are getting married in October. Haha! Everything is about to change for me and as I drive around and notice the trees already beginning to turn from green to red, it feels fitting.
The way of September has me continually thinking of Deuteronomy 33:25— “As thy days, so shall thy strength be.” Matthew Henry’s commentary on the verse says:
“The day is often in scripture put for the events of the day; and, taking it so here, it is a promise that God would graciously support them under their trials and troubles, whatever they were. And so it is a promise sure to all the spiritual seed of Abraham, that God will wisely proportion their graces and comforts to the services and sufferings he calls them out to. Have they work appointed them? They shall have strength to do it. Have they burdens appointed them? They shall have strength to bear them; and never be tempted above that they are able. Faithful is he that has thus promised, and hath caused us to hope in this promise.”
We all need this strength for our days. All of our hopes and dreams and unknowns can be safely placed in the hand of our Heavenly Father for safe keeping. If there’s anything these past few months have taught me, it is just that.
Elisabeth Elliot once wrote “nothing that we offer to Him will be lost.” What beauty and truth in that one small statement. Autumn comes and the earth offers her fruit and then relinquishes color and life until the spring comes again. May this season be a reminder of the giving and the death that must happen for our souls to be quiet in the Lord.
“What hindereth thee more than thine affections not fully mortified to the will of God?” —Thomas à Kempis
“The disposition to leave the dearest objects of our hearts in the sublime keeping of the general and unspecific belief that God is now answering our prayers in His own time and way, and int he best manner, involves a present process of inward crucifixion which is obviously unfavorable to the growth and even the existence of the life of self.” —T.C. Upham
I hope you all can forgive my quietness for the past few months. It has been a gentle relief to be immersed in my real life and enjoy the tenderness of this season. But I have not forgotten about you all! Now I am seeking the Lord in regards to balancing all that is required of me online, in the home, as a wife…all while planning a homespun wedding in 2 months (smiles).
Our times are truly in the Lord’s hands.
Talk soon :)
—Kaetlyn 💛