3 Ways To Use Cranberries This Christmas Season

Cranberries are the perfect example of seasonal eating. Unlike unlike other produce that is imported out of season in order to be available to us all year round, there are still a few items that maintain their seasonality. Perhaps you notice that you can only find whole pomegranates in late Autumn…cranberries are the same way. You will find fresh cranberries available in late November through December and most likely not any other time. Tis the season to enjoy these tart little berries.

The anticipation of certain fruit in their specific season makes the indulgence of them so much better! I wait eagerly all year for cranberry season. And because I’m not eating them all year round, the wait makes these recipes extra special and creates a unique nostalgia linked to this time of year. I hope these ideas inspire you this Christmas!

Cook and Bake With cranberries

There are endless ways to enjoy cranberries in both baking and cooking. Here are some of my favorite recipes that use fresh cranberries:

Decorate with cranberries

Cranberries add the perfect touches of romantic red to the Christmas Home. Here are some of my favorite ways to decorate with cranberries:

  • String them and hang on the Christmas tree, around window garlands, across shelves and mantles.

  • Add a handful of cranberries to vignettes around the house. Paired with greenery, cinnamon sticks, pinecones, and chestnuts, they add a lovely busy touch, if that’s your style.

  • Place cranberries in decorative bowls. Tuck in greenery and mini pinecones, and add a candle in the middle if desired.

For more natural Christmas decorating ideas, click here!

Make A Simmer Pot with cranberries

A simmer pot is a resourceful way to use up food scraps and offers a safe alternative to synthetic fragrance found in candles and air fresheners. Instead of throwing them out, this is the perfect way to make use of soft cranberries that aren’t quite suitable to eat. To make, simply combine seasonal fruit, filtered water, spices, and greenery in a saucepan. Simmer on low on the stovetop and let the fragrance of Christmas fill your home! Click here for the full recipe.

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